Dr. Hiranmayi Jha – Plastic Surgeon

Breast Reduction

Dr. Hiranmayi Jha – India’s Best Breast Reduction Surgeon In Delhi

Best Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi.

Welcome to the clinic of Dr. Hiranmayi Jha, a skilled plastic surgeon offering the Best Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi. If you’re considering Breast Reduction to improve your comfort and confidence, you’re in capable hands. Dr. Hiranmayi Jha understands that large breasts can cause physical discomfort and emotional stress. She specializes in breast reduction procedures designed to alleviate these concerns. With her expertise, you can expect natural-looking results and a more proportional bustline. During your consultation, Dr. Hiranmayi  Jha will take the time to listen to your needs and concerns. She will explain the procedure in simple terms, addressing any questions you may have. Her caring approach ensures you feel informed and comfortable every step of the way.

The surgery itself is performed in a state-of-the-art facility, prioritizing your safety and comfort. Dr. Hiranmayi  Jha uses advanced techniques to minimize scarring and ensure a swift recovery. Her team will provide personalized aftercare instructions to promote healing. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery, Dr. Hiranmayi Jha is here to support you. Regain your confidence, relieve discomfort, and achieve the balanced look you desire. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.

Why is breast reduction surgery performed, and who all are ideal candidates for it?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is performed to address several issues associated with large, heavy breasts. Here are some of the common reasons why individuals choose breast reduction surgery and who the ideal candidates for the procedure are:

Reasons for Breast Reduction Surgery:

Breast reduction surgery is performed to alleviate various problems related to large breasts, including:

  • Physical Discomfort: Women with disproportionately large breasts often experience physical discomfort, including back, shoulder, and neck pain due to the excess weight of the breasts.

  • Difficulty Fitting Bras and Clothing: Finding well-fitting bras and clothing can be challenging for individuals with large breasts, and they may feel self-conscious about their appearance.

  • Restricted Physical Activities: Large breasts can limit physical activities and exercise, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Loss of Confidence: Some individuals with large breasts may experience a poor self-image, low self-esteem, or embarrassment about their breast size.

  • Shoulder Grooving: The weight of heavy breasts can cause grooves in the shoulders from bra straps.

  • Skin Irritation: Skin rashes and irritation can develop under the breasts due to friction and moisture.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Reduction Surgery:

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery generally meet the following criteria:

  • Good Health: Candidates should be in good overall health with no uncontrolled medical conditions that could increase surgical risks.

  • Realistic Expectations: Patients should have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery and understand its limitations.

  • Breast Size: Candidates should have disproportionately large breasts in relation to their body frame.

  • Physical Discomfort: Those who experience physical discomfort such as back, shoulder, or neck pain due to the weight of their breasts are often ideal candidates.

  • Psychological Impact: Individuals who experience emotional or psychological distress related to their breast size, such as a negative self-image or self-esteem issues, may benefit from the procedure.

Note: Smoking, obesity, bleeding disorders, and chronic heart problems may affect candidacy. While breast reduction surgery may impact the ability to breastfeed, many women can still breastfeed successfully after the procedure. It’s essential to discuss your specific situation and concerns with a qualified surgeon.

Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery:

Breast reduction surgery offers several benefits, including:

  • Breast Size Reduction: The procedure reduces breast size to make them more proportionate to the body.

  • Pain Relief: Patients often experience relief from back, shoulder, and neck pain associated with large breasts.

  • Improved Comfort: The surgery alleviates discomfort and physical limitations associated with large breasts.

  • Enhanced Self-Image: Many individuals report improved self-esteem and confidence following the procedure.

Preparation for Breast Reduction Surgery:

Preparation for breast reduction surgery involves:

  • Consultation with the surgeon to discuss goals and expectations.
  • Sharing medical history, including any underlying health conditions and medications.
  • Maintaining a stable, healthy weight.
  • Avoiding blood-thinning medications and supplements before surgery.
  • Stopping alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Physical examination and measurements of the breasts.
  • Blood and laboratory tests.
  • Baseline mammogram or ultrasound of the breasts.

The decision to undergo breast reduction surgery should be made after thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized guidance based on individual circumstances.

What are the steps of breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. It can alleviate physical discomfort, improve the appearance of the breasts, and enhance overall quality of life for individuals with excessively large breasts. Here are the steps involved in breast reduction surgery:

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient’s overall health, discuss the desired breast size, and explain the surgical procedure in detail.

  2. Pre-operative preparations: Before the surgery, the patient will be given instructions on how to prepare. This may include quitting smoking, avoiding certain medications that can increase bleeding risk, and fasting for a specified period before the surgery.

  3. Anesthesia: Breast reduction surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, which means the patient is completely asleep during the procedure. In some cases, IV sedation and local anesthesia may be used.

  4. Incision placement: The surgeon will make incisions on the breasts based on the chosen technique and the patient’s unique anatomy. There are several incision patterns, including:

    • Anchor incision (Inverted-T or Wise pattern): This involves an incision around the areola, vertically down the breast, and horizontally along the breast crease. It is suitable for significant breast reduction and allows for reshaping and repositioning of the nipple-areola complex.

    • Lollipop incision: This incision is made around the areola and vertically down the breast. It is appropriate for moderate breast reduction.

    • Donut incision (periareolar): This involves an incision encircling the areola. It is used for minor breast reduction and is associated with less scarring.

  5. Reshaping and tissue removal: Once the incisions are made, the surgeon will remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. The remaining breast tissue is then reshaped and repositioned to create a smaller, more lifted breast mound. Liposuction may also be used to remove excess fat.

  6. Nipple repositioning: If necessary, the surgeon will reposition the nipples to a higher location on the newly shaped breasts.

  7. Closure: The incisions are meticulously closed using sutures. In some cases, dissolvable sutures are used, while in others, non-dissolvable sutures may need to be removed at a later date.

  8. Drainage tubes: To prevent the accumulation of excess fluids, drainage tubes may be placed in the surgical site. These tubes are typically removed after a few days.

  9. Dressings and compression garment: Dressings are applied to protect the incisions, and the patient is usually required to wear a special compression garment to minimize swelling and provide support to the breasts.

  10. Recovery: After the surgery, patients will need some time to recover. They may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which typically subside over several weeks. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within 2-4 weeks, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for a longer period.

  11. Follow-up appointments: Patients will have follow-up appointments with their surgeon to monitor healing, remove sutures, and assess the results.

Complications associated with breast reduction surgery can include:
  • Infection
  • Hematoma (accumulation of blood)
  • Seroma (accumulation of fluid)
  • Scarring
  • Changes in nipple sensation
  • Asymmetry between the breasts
  • Healing issues
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia or surgical materials

It’s important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in breast reduction procedures to minimize the risk of complications and achieve the best possible results. Patients should also closely follow their surgeon’s post-operative care instructions for a smooth recovery.

Why Choose Dr. Hiranmayi Jha For Breast Reduction in Delhi?

Choose Dr. Hiranmayi Jha for your Breast Reduction in Delhi because of her expert care and understanding. With years of experience, she specializes in making you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process. Dr. Jha listens to your concerns and explains the procedure in simple terms. Her skilled techniques ensure natural results and minimal scarring. The surgery is done in a modern facility with your safety in mind. Aftercare guidance is personalized for a smooth recovery. Trust Dr. Hiranmayi Jha to provide the best care for your breast reduction journey.

Types of Breast Reduction Surgery

Performed by Dr Hiranmayi jha

Anchor Incision (Inverted-T)

Anchor incision, or inverted-T, is a breast lift technique involving incisions around the areola, vertical, and horizontal.”

Vertical Incision (Lollipop)

Vertical incision, or lollipop, involves breast lift incisions around the areola and vertically down the breast

Scarless Breast Reduction

Scarless breast reduction is a procedure to reduce breast size without traditional breast lift incisions, minimizing scarring.

Pedicle Techniques

Pedicle techniques are breast reduction methods that preserve the nipple’s blood supply and relocate it for reshaping.

Average Cost of Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi

The average cost of Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi can vary based on factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, the facility’s quality, and the extent of the procedure. On average, breast reduction surgery in Delhi might range from ₹75,000 to ₹2,50,000 or more. It’s important to remember that this estimate includes surgical fees, anesthesia, hospital stay, and post-operative care. Consulting with a qualified surgeon like Dr. Hiranmayi Jha will provide a clearer understanding of costs tailored to your specific needs. Health insurance might cover some cases, so it’s wise to explore all options and prioritize safety and quality in your decision.

Recovery Time After Breast Reduction Surgery

After Breast Reduction Surgery, recovery time varies but typically ranges from 2 to 6 weeks. You may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising initially. Stitches are usually removed within 1 to 2 weeks. It’s essential to avoid strenuous activities for around 4 to 6 weeks. Most patients can return to work within 1 to 2 weeks, but it might take longer for more physically demanding jobs. A supportive bra should be worn during the healing process. Dr. Hiranmayi Jha will provide personalized aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.

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    FAQs for Breast Reduction Surgery

    Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that reduces the size and reshapes the breasts to alleviate discomfort, improve proportions, and enhance self-confidence.

    Candidates often experience physical discomfort due to large breasts, have difficulty finding well-fitting clothes, and seek improved body proportions.

    The surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin through carefully placed incisions, using various techniques like anchor, lollipop, or scarless reductions.

    Yes, but skilled surgeons like Dr. Hiranmayi Jha use techniques to minimize scarring. Scars typically fade over time.

    Recovery takes about 2 to 6 weeks. You might experience swelling and discomfort initially, but it should improve gradually.

    Some temporary loss of sensation is common, but sensation often returns gradually over time.

    The ability to breastfeed might be affected, as some milk ducts could be disrupted during the procedure.

    In some cases, health insurance might cover breast reduction if it’s deemed medically necessary due to pain or other issues. It’s best to check with your insurer.

    You can usually return to work within 1 to 2 weeks and gradually resume regular activities after 4 to 6 weeks.

    The results are long-lasting, but factors like weight fluctuations and aging can influence breast appearance over time.

    Patient's Reviews

    I visited Dr. Jha for liposuction. She not only keeps her patients informed about every small details of the procedure but also provides every support throughout the recovery phase...

    Mukta Gwari

    I went here for my facial hair reduction, took 5 session the result is awesome. The best thing that happened to me is that the doctor here help me treat my acne ... Now my skin is just flawless n looks awesome. Thanks doctor for giving my confidence back...

    Jyoti Dhankar

    Consulted Dr. Hiranmayi for my cousins gynaecomastia surgery. Got the surgery 1month back. Post op results are very satisfactory and would recommend for the same. Clinic staff are very good and helpful. Clinic location is very easy to find and the ambience is very patient friendly...


    I have done my hair transplant surgery from Dr Hiranmayi jha . I got amazing result I also recommend many friends for surgery good post care . Thanx sir ji for making me young and good looks...

    Tofan Nayak